A Who's Who at HDP
brave new world order books omega literary magazine omega editions sinapi books
talon records :: :: submissions:: writingdangerously
... poets, writers, hingesters, and artists from our pages
Hameed Al Qaed, Michael Annis, Antler, David Ashley, Henry Avignon, Henry Bechthold, Michael Bergt, Tom Bradley, John Brandi, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs, Don Byrd, Andrei Codrescu, Jack Conroy, Jim Corbett, Ginnetta Corelli, Gregory Corso, Sneakin' Deacon, Kawashinsay Charlotte DeClue, Regina deCormier-Shekerjian, Ray Denonville, Diane diPrima, DoubleXX, Clayton Eshleman, Dascha Friedlova, Allen Ginsberg, Albert Goldbarth, Ken Greenley, Gregory Greyhawk, Leigh Herrick, William Heyen, GNS Hunter, Will Inman, Dan Jaffe, Michael Florian Jilg, Buck Jump, Jeffrey A. Kappel, Margo Kren, Timothy Leary, Joy Leftow, Heller Levinson, Oswald LeWinter, Adrian C. Louis, Denise Low, John Loquidis, Norman MacAfee, Michael D. Main, Jay Marvin, Michael McClure, Jack Micheline, Jeff Nall, Mary Newell, Valery Oisteneau, John Olson, Mike Palecek, Ed Paschke, James Dean Pruner, Michael Rattee, David Ray, Judy Ray, Leslie Reed, Gopal Prasad Rimal, Paul Corman Roberts, Mike Romoth, Kenneth Rosen, Adam Roufberg, Tom Russell, Josephine Sacabo, Micheline Saliba, Andre Sant'Anna, Yuyutsu RD Sharma, Lilvia Soto, Tom [Wordwulf] Sterner, Y St.Michel-Anon, G.S. St. Pearl, Kristen Struebing-Beazley, Nathaniel Tarn, Ronald Tavel, Whitney Trettien, Gloria Vando, Diane Wakoski, Anne Waldman, Katherine West, Jack Wiler, S. Clay Wilson, Steve Wilson, Thomas Zvi Wilson, Frank Winters, Chante Wolf, David Bruce Wolfe, Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, Howard Zinn ... & Others
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New HDP Webpage!
Welcome to our internet debut! Actually, not our debut, but newly revised. Howling Dog launched a 600+ page website devoted to radical writing and radical cultural insurrection in 2004, but our hosting company, a company bought out by Orange County Hosting, allowed it to be hacked to death, and most of it was lost. We've gone through several transmutations since then, none of which ever recovered the sheer dynamic breadth of the original site, unfortunately, but we're back again, and will be continually rebuilding and adding on to our list of bones to gnaw and pick over. So under those parameters, again, Welcome to Howling Dog Press. Tell 'em we're coming and hell's coming with us.